The Belfast and District Trades Union Council along with postal workers on a two-week wildcat strike marched and rallied yesterday demanding Dignity and Fair Treatment at work.

Assembling at the Tomb Street sorting depot picket line at 12.00 over 1,000 workers marched to a rally at Belfast City Hall in support of striking posties and workers everywhere who are facing harassment and bullying at work.
While the media and Royal Mail management continue to spread lies and misinformation about this dispute Tuesdays march and rally has strengthened the resolve, unity and solidairty of striking posties while providing a platform to put to rest some of these conspicious lies. Organise! attended this march alongside workers from Royal Mail and other workplaces. The SWP, with placards for almost every striking postie present, SP, SF, PUP, SDLP and other parties were also present. As were many trade unionists from Belfast and across the water. Among those speaking from the platform was Kevin Doherty, Secretary of the B&DTUC (who is also a former Shorts shop steward sacked with other shop stewards by the union busting Gary Crawford who was head-hunted by Royal Mail in Belfast to repeat the job with postal workers), and Eamon McCann of Derry Trades Council and the SWP. McCann was perhaps the best speaker on the day - his scathing attack on scabs certainly went down well with postal workers.
On a practical level donations were made to the hardship fund.
The march piles further pressure on the management, and through more such solidarity and direct action we shall overcome.
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